
I was teaching fellow for the following courses at Harvard.

Gov 2006: Formal Theory II (Prof. Peter Buisseret)

I taught this class twice – during Spring 2021 and Spring 2022. Slides I made for my classes:

  1. Refinements of PBE.

  2. The Principal-Agent Model.

  3. Cheap Talk.

  4. Global Games.

  5. Electoral Competition.

  6. Valence Advantage.

  7. Repeated elections with two parties.

  8. Accountability, Selection and Pandering.

  9. Legislative Bargaining.

  10. Lobbying.

  11. Monotone comparative statics and economic policy.

  12. Correction to Acemoglu-Robinson QJE (2000).

  13. Real authority and expertise.

Gov 1780: International Political Economy (Prof. Jeffry Frieden)

Gov 51: Data Analysis and Politics (Prof. Matt Blackwell)

See the webpage of the course.