

The Political Behavior of Family Firms: Evidence from Brazil (with Pablo Balan and Ignacio Puente). World Development, 2022. PDF. Online Appendix. Replication Archive. Shiny App.

Working Papers

JOB MARKET PAPER: Inefficient Policies in the Green Transition.

Family Ties as Corporate Power (with Pablo Balan and Ignacio Puente). Under Review. PDF. Media coverage: ProMarket.

An Informational Theory of Coalitional Lobbying. Early draft.

A proof of Blackwell’s Theorem for separable metric state spaces. PDF.

Work in Progress

The International Politics of Green Industrial Policies.

Policy Feedback Effects of Green Subsidies: Evidence from Firm Lobbying after the Inflation Reduction Act.

Dynamic Climate Policymaking under Majoritarian and Proportional Electoral Rules.

Endogenous Lobbying.

Outside Experts as Scapegoats: a Theory of Management Consultants.

A New Theory of Partisan Realignment.

Old stuff

Information, Policy Preferences and Voting. PDF.

Enchufes, Espejos y Tijeras: Efectos del Diseño de las Boletas Sobre el Comportamiento Electoral (with Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini). Revista SAAP, 2017. PDF.

Spatial Variation in Ecological Inference. PDF.